So I think I talked about how crazy and large the snails are here in another post. Well the inevitable happened, I stepped on one. :( I feel really bad about it because I can't even imagine the pain of having my exoskeleton crushed and my internal organs leaking out onto the sidewalk. However since I am a believer in Darwinism I like to think that by crushing all the weak shelled snails that venture onto the sidewalk during the rain, eventually the snail population of Montpellier will develop such tough shells that they will be un-crushable. On a lighter note, the Montpellier Zoo is pretty awesome. They have tons of animals and a bunch that I don't think I have ever seen in person before, such as rhinos and kangaroos.
I also tried a new candy, called smarties. I know what your thinking we have smarties in the U.S., but these are different. They come in a cardboard tube and they taste like Easter. "Easter?" yes they taste like Easter, the holiday. They are basically M&M's in the sense that they are candy coated chocolate but for some reason they remind me of Easter. Since I can't remember what Easter is like since I missed it this year I will be unable to tell you specifically what Easter candy they taste like.
Spring break was pretty relaxing... except for when my dad was around. We were either running in one direction until he figured out that he didn't know where he was going, or else we were stopped, asking people who don't speak English which direction to go and then ignoring whatever they say.
or an example of asking directions Dad: ex ex pardawn excuse me pan-thae-on pan-thea-on Italian stranger: take your second left and then it's straight ahead Dad: grazzyass << walks about a half block stops in the middle of the street to consult the map for 15 minutes>> Dad: alright I think we need to walk further up this way Me: .... dad .. he said to take a left up here
Here is a list of things that we saw that I think are worth mentioning. Paris: The Eiffel Tower,The Louvre,The Montparnasse Tower, The Catacombs,The Andy Warhol exhibit,A photography exhibit,The Arc de Triomphe, The Champs Elysee,The Moulin Rouge, The subway system, Notre Dame de Paris, and Sacre Couer
Italy: Lake Como a flower garden, an owl, some mountains, a castle thing Cinque Terre some towns on hills, a cat, some rocky beaches, Jesus,and a sunset Siena a tower, some stores Roma The Colesseum, The Vatican, The Trevi Fountain,some other Roman Ruins,The Pantheon,The Darwin exhibit!,The cat sanctuary!!